Spin-glass ordering in the diluted magnetic semiconductor

PM Shand, AD Christianson, TM Pekarek… - Physical Review B, 1998 - APS
We have performed both ac susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements on the
diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn 1− x Mn x Te. The measurements clearly indicate spin …

Preparation and characterization of (CuInTe2) 1-x (TaTe) x solid solutions (0< x< 1)

P Grima-Gallardo, O Izarra, L Méndez, S Torres… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Polycrystalline samples of the (CuInTe 2) 1-x (TaTe) x alloys system were prepared by the
melt and anneal technique in the composition range 0< x< 1. Products were characterized …

Spin glass behavior of Zn1−xMnxTe

PM Shand, AD Christianson, LS Martinson… - Journal of applied …, 1996 - pubs.aip.org
We have performed ac susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements on the diluted
magnetic semiconductor Zn1− x Mn x Te. The measurements clearly indicate spin glass …

Magnetic Behavior of the Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor (CuIn)1-xMn2xTe 2

G Eilers, M Matsui - Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1996 - journals.jps.jp
In this study we report about the magnetic properties of (CuIn) 1-x Mn 2 x Te 2. The
magnetization measurements on samples with Mn concentrations up to x= 0.5 showed a …

Síntesis, difracción de rayos X, microscopía electrónica de barrido, análisis térmico diferencial y susceptibilidad magnética de la aleación (CuAlSe₂) ₁₋ ₓ (TaSe) ₓ …

PG Gallardo, A Velásquez… - Ciencia en …, 2021 - cienciaenrevolucion.com.ve
Muestras policristalinas de la aleación x= 1/2 del sistema (CuAlSe2) 1− x (TaSe) x fueron
preparadas por el método de fusión y recocido, caracterizándolas por las técnicas de …


P Grima-Gallardo, L Nieves, M Soto… - … de Metalurgia y …, 2018 - search.ebscohost.com
The magnetic behavior of (CuGa) 1-xFexSe2-x solid solutions with compositions x= 0.1, 1/3
and 1/2 has been investigated using SQUID techniques. DC magnetic susceptibility was …

[PDF][PDF] Magnetic Clusters in the (CuInSe2)(TaSe) x Alloy System (0< x≤ 0.5)

P Grima-Gallardo, GE Delgado, A Velásquez, L Nieves… - cienciaenrevolucion.com.ve
Abstract Polycrystalline samples of (CuInSe2) 1− x (TaSe) x system were prepared by the
melt and anneal technique in the composition range 0< x≤ 0.5. It was found that the …

[PDF][PDF] Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Differential Thermal Analysis and Magnetic Susceptibility of the alloy (CuAlSe2)(TaSe) x with x= 0.5

P Grima-Gallardo, A Velásquez, GE Delgado… - researchgate.net
Polycrystalline samples of the alloy (CuAlSe2) 1− x (TaSe) x with x= 0.5 were prepared by
the melt and anneal method and characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning …

Conglomerados magnéticos en el sistema de aleaciones (CuInSe₂) ₁₋ ₓ (TaSe) ₓ (0< x≤ 0, 5): Recibido:/agosto, 2021; Aceptado:/noviembre, 2021

P Grima-Gallardo, GE Delgado… - Ciencia en …, 2021 - cienciaenrevolucion.com.ve
Muestras policristalinas del sistema (CuInSe2) ₁₋ ₓ (TaSe) x fueron preparadas por la
técnica de fusión y recocido en el rango de composiciones 0< x≤ 0, 5. Se encontró que la …

Fir magnetospectroscopy on (CuIn)1−xMn2xTe2

G Eilers, M Matsui, Y Yamamoto, H Ohta… - International journal of …, 1995 - Springer
The paramagnetic resonance of Mn 2+ in the diluted magnetic semiconductor (CuIn) 1− x
Mn 2x Te 2 was observed in a pulsed magnetic field up to 15 T at temperatures ranging from …