Quantum optimal control in quantum technologies. Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe

CP Koch, U Boscain, T Calarco, G Dirr… - EPJ Quantum …, 2022 - epjqt.epj.org
Quantum optimal control, a toolbox for devising and implementing the shapes of external
fields that accomplish given tasks in the operation of a quantum device in the best way …

A high-bias, low-variance introduction to machine learning for physicists

P Mehta, M Bukov, CH Wang, AGR Day, C Richardson… - Physics reports, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Machine Learning (ML) is one of the most exciting and dynamic areas of modern
research and application. The purpose of this review is to provide an introduction to the core …

[HTML][HTML] Quantum-assisted quantum compiling

S Khatri, R LaRose, A Poremba, L Cincio… - Quantum, 2019 - quantum-journal.org
Compiling quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers (accounting for
connectivity and native gate alphabets) is a major challenge that has received significant …

Machine learning for quantum matter

J Carrasquilla - Advances in Physics: X, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Quantum matter, the research field studying phases of matter whose properties are
intrinsically quantum mechanical, draws from areas as diverse as hard condensed matter …

Introduction to the Pontryagin maximum principle for quantum optimal control

U Boscain, M Sigalotti, D Sugny - PRX Quantum, 2021 - APS
Optimal control theory is a powerful mathematical tool, which has known a rapid
development since the 1950s, mainly for engineering applications. More recently, it has …

Universal quantum control through deep reinforcement learning

MY Niu, S Boixo, VN Smelyanskiy, H Neven - npj Quantum Information, 2019 - nature.com
Emerging reinforcement learning techniques using deep neural networks have shown great
promise in control optimization. They harness non-local regularities of noisy control …

Reinforcement learning in different phases of quantum control

M Bukov, AGR Day, D Sels, P Weinberg, A Polkovnikov… - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
The ability to prepare a physical system in a desired quantum state is central to many areas
of physics such as nuclear magnetic resonance, cold atoms, and quantum computing. Yet …

QuSpin: a Python package for dynamics and exact diagonalisation of quantum many body systems. Part II: bosons, fermions and higher spins

P Weinberg, M Bukov - SciPost Physics, 2019 - scipost.org
We present a major update to QuSpin, SciPostPhys. 2.1. 003--an open-source Python
package for exact diagonalization and quantum dynamics of arbitrary boson, fermion and …

How to use neural networks to investigate quantum many-body physics

J Carrasquilla, G Torlai - PRX Quantum, 2021 - APS
Over the past few years, machine learning has emerged as a powerful computational tool to
tackle complex problems in a broad range of scientific disciplines. In particular, artificial …

When does reinforcement learning stand out in quantum control? A comparative study on state preparation

XM Zhang, Z Wei, R Asad, XC Yang, X Wang - npj Quantum Information, 2019 - nature.com
Reinforcement learning has been widely used in many problems, including quantum control
of qubits. However, such problems can, at the same time, be solved by traditional, non …