Visual and proprioceptive feedback both contribute to perceptual decisions, but it remains unknown how these feedback signals are integrated together or consider factors such as …
Spatiotemporal properties of neuronal population activity in cortical motor areas have been subjects of experimental and theoretical investigations, generating numerous interpretations …
Recent studies have identified rotational dynamics in motor cortex (MC), which many assume arise from intrinsic connections in MC. However, behavioral and neurophysiological …
Humans consider the parameters linked to movement goal during reaching to adjust their control strategy online. Indeed, rapid changes in target structure or disturbances interfering …
When humans reach to visual targets, extremely rapid (∼ 90 ms) target-directed responses can be observed in task-relevant proximal muscles. Such express visuomotor responses are …
Humans can produce “express”(∼ 100 ms) arm muscle responses that are inflexibly locked in time and space to visual target presentations, consistent with subcortical visuomotor …
When required, humans can generate very short latency reaches toward visual targets, such as catching a falling cellphone. During such rapid reaches, express arm responses are the …
The separation of distinct motor memories by contextual cues is a well known and well studied phenomenon of feedforward human motor control. However, there is no clear …