This paper investigates a particular type of non-canonical what-questions in Vietnamese called surprise-denial/disapproval questions. We first propose a finer-grained distinction …
T Phan, WTD Tsai - Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2024 -
This paper pursues the issues surrounding Vietnamese flip-flop sentences in terms of verb raising and covert modals from a comparative point of view. We show that verb movement in …
Ettehkey 'how'in Korean can be interpreted as either causal, manner, or resultative how according to its “height of interpretation”(Hacquard 2006). Interestingly, it is immune from …
This study first argues that Vietnamese được (lit.'gain, acquire, come to have') indicates only dynamic readings in the capacity of a post-verbal modal auxiliary. If a post-verbal được is …
Since Huang's (1982) seminal work on comparative syntax, the research on the structure and properties of in-situ wh-expressions has gone a long way. This chapter distinguishes …
As far as Vietnamese information-seeking questions are concerned, đâu is a wh-item equivalent to the English where. However, in a variety of non-canonical construals, đâu can …