This chapter explains the theory of securitization in detail and how it is being instrumentalized as a strategy for authoritarian survival. The chapter starts with the …
The Islamic organization Nahdlatul Wathan is the most influential religious group on the island of Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara province, but since the death of its founder in 1997 …
Despite being disbanded, HTI activities in Indonesia are allegedly continuing through signals and ideologies that still exist. Muslimahnews. com is a propaganda media with the …
B Ulum - Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2021 -
This paper discusses the pattern of changes in the ex-HTI da'wah strategy, which describes the process of ex-HTI struggle patterns in Pasuruan. This research is described qualitatively …
The religious authoritative institution of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), is facing infiltration by members connected with acts of terrorism. This leads to public demands for its …
A pesar de haber sido disuelta, las actividades de HTI en Indonesia supuestamente continúan a través de señales e ideologías que aún existen. Muslimahnews. com es un …