Study on hydrogen embrittlement of fuel line for PEMFC

KJ Park, JH Kim, JH Jeong, JM Bae - Proceedings of the KSME …, 2007 -
This study focuses on the hydrogen embrittlement of iron tube for fuel line of PEMFC (Proton
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell). PEMFC is operated by feed of hydrogen as a reactant and …

Design of Serpentine Flow-field Stimulating Under-rib Convection for Improving the Water Discharge Performance in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells

KS Choi, BC Bae, KW Park, HM Kim - Journal of the Korean …, 2012 -
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance is changed by the complicated physical
phenomenon. In this study, water discharge performance of proton exchange membrane …

Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on Performance Variation of PEMFC with Serpentine Flow Fields According to Humidity Condition

GH Oh, KJ Lee, JH Nam, CJ Kim - Transactions of the Korean …, 2009 -
Water management has been recognized as a crucial factor for achieving better
performance and stability in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Proper …

GDL 기공률과Cathode 입구가습조건변화에따른고분자전해질연료전지성능분석

소재현, 이찬규, 김우태 - 한국기계기술학회지, 2012 -
In this paper, the PEMFC performance was studied using three dimensional numerical
analysis. The effect of GDL porosity and cathode inlet humidity on the cell polarization curve …

고분자전해질연료전지의가스채널, 기체확산층, 촉매층조건변화에따른온도특성분석

조재혁, 김우태 - 한국기계기술학회학술대회논문집, 2013 -
In this paper, a three dimensional numerical analysis tool was applied to study the PEMFC
performance characteristics. The porosity and electrical conductivity of GDL and CL as well …

[PDF][PDF] 고분자전해질연료전지의물배출성능향상을위한촉매층공급대류촉진사행성유동장설계

최갑승, 배병철, 박기원, 김형만 - Journal of the Korean …, 2012 -
초 록고분자전해질 연료전지의 성능은 매우 복잡한 물리 현상들에 의해 변화하게 된다.
반응면적이 25 cm2 인 5-pass, 4-turn 사행성 유동유로의 립 부분에 보조유동유로를 가지는 …

[PDF][PDF] 가습조건이사형유로를채택한고분자전해질연료전지의성능에미치는영향에대한전산유체역학해석연구

오규환, 이규진, 남진현, 김찬중 - 대한기계학회논문집B 권, 2009 -
Water management has been recognized as a crucial factor for achieving better
performance and stability in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Proper …

4kW 급연료전지하이브리드자동차개발을위한시스템동특성연구

이동율, 박광진, 배중면, 정재화, 지현진 - 한국신· 재생에너지학회학술 …, 2006 -
PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cel l) automob ile in var i ous types of fue l ce ll.
However, to improve system dynami cs is most appl i cable to and long term per formance …

PEMFC 연료공급관의수소취성에관한연구

박광진, 김정현, 정재화, 배중면 - 대한기계학회춘추학술대회, 2007 -
This study focuses on the hydrogen embrittlement of iron tube for fuel line of PEMFC (Proton
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell). PEMFC is operated by feed of hydrogen as a reactant and …

Study on system dynamic behaviors for 4kW-class fuel cell hybrid vehicle

DR Lee, KJ Park, JM Bae, JH Jeong… - 한국신재생에너지학회 …, 2006 -
PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) is most applicable to automobile in various
types of fuel cell. However, to improve system dynamics and logn term Performance fuel cell …