
韩梦亚, 田军东, 周言言, 王钰炜, 罗彤彤, 路纪琪 - 兽类学报, 2024 - mammal.cn
性打搅是指动物在交配期间受到同种其他个体化学信息素, 面部表情, 声音,
攻击等方面干扰的现象. 性打搅行为作为非人灵长类繁殖行为生态研究的重要话题 …

Sexual interference in Taihangshan macaque (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis), Jiyuan, north China

HAN Mengya, T Jundong, Z Yanyan, W Yuwei… - ACTA THERIOLOGICA …, 2024 - mammal.cn
Sexual interference refers to the phenomenon in which an animal is disrupted during mating
by other individuals of the same species through various means such as chemical …