Structured literature review of published research on indirect translation (2017–2022)

H Pięta, L Ivaska, Y Gambier - Perspectives, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on a structured literature review, this article offers a meta-analysis of published
research on indirect translation in different domains between 2017 and 2022. The article first …

Tangled lines: what might it mean to take Indigenous languages seriously?

V Henitiuk, MA Mahieu - Translation Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Full article: Tangled lines: what might it mean to take Indigenous languages seriously? Skip to
Main Content Taylor and Francis Online homepage Taylor and Francis Online homepage Log …

William Faulknerın Sanctuary adlı romanının kaynak ve erek dizgedeki çeviri serüveni: Diliçi çeviri, öz-çeviri, yeniden çeviri ve dolaylı çeviri kavramları ışığında bir …

G Canli - 2019 -
Amerikalı yazar William Faulkner (1897-1962) Sanctuary (1931) kitabını editörün talebi
üzerine yeniden kaleme almak zorunda kalır, zira editöre göre kitabın mevcut hâliyle …

[图书][B] Exactly What I Said: Translating Words and Worlds

E Yeoman - 2022 -
" You don't have to use the exact same words.... But it has to mean exactly what I said.” Thus
began the ten-year collaboration between Innu elder and activist Tshaukuesh Elizabeth …

From translatology to studies in translation theory and practice

RA Valdeón - Perspectives, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article presents some of the problems that have characterized Translation Studies (TS)
as an academic discipline in the past 25 years, such as its fragmentation and its …

On the necessity to celebrate Indigenous translation as performance

R Lemieux, W Roy - Translation Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
There is no doubt that Valerie Henitiuk and Marc-Antoine Mahieu have offered an
extraordinary translation of Markoosie Patsauq's literary text, an important piece for a better …

Translation and Inuit memory

V Henitiuk, MA Mahieu - The Routledge Handbook of Translation …, 2022 -
Both translation and memory are dynamic phenomena, circulating through time, language,
and culture, allowing for communication (and, not infrequently, miscommunication) across …

Indigenous Peoples-Settler Relations and Language Politics in Twenty-First-Century Canada

D Salée, S El Hankouri - Translation and the Global City, 2021 -
This chapter examines the social and political events leading to the decline and erasure of
Indigenous languages in Canada and addresses the problematic interface of Euro …

[图书][B] Translating Indigenous Knowledges: Toward a Sensuous Translation

MCÁV Claramonte - 2024 -
In this book, Vidal presents a new way of translating indigenous epistemologies. For
centuries, the Western world has ordained what knowledge is and what it should be and has …

La traduction comme outil de promotion des perspectives autochtones: le cas de Peace and Good Order: The Case for Indigenous Justice in Canada de Harold R …

A Galipeau - 2023 -
La montée des voix autochtones et les relations de pouvoir inégales qui ont toujours cours
au Canada soulèvent des enjeux éthiques et méthodologiques en ce qui concerne la …