Reasonable amounts of fresh water can be produced via inexpensive and sturdy solar stills in places that are exposed to solar radiation and have a brackish water. This work intends to …
The distilled water productivity of the single basin solar still is very limited. In this context, the design modification of a single basin solar still has been investigated to improve the solar …
The objective of the present work is to improve the performance of a solar still through increasing the productivity of freshwater. In order to improve the performance of a solar still …
This paper investigates a novel solar driven multi-stage flash (MSF) desalination plant in UAE. UAE achieved major progress in utilizing solar energy for power production. The …
The demand for water and electricity is gradually increasing throughout the years due to the modern lifestyle of humans to complete their daily activities. To make sustainable water and …
In this study, an attempt has been made to design a new type portable thermoelectric solar still (PTSS). In the PTSS, a thermoelectric module is used to improve the temperature …
Although, more than two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water, shortage of potable water is a serious issue that many countries suffer from. Furthermore, the worldwide rapid growth of …
In this work, an attempt is made to produce potable water from industrial effluents. An ordinary basin type solar still integrated with fins at the basin plate is used for …
The present study is a continuation of the authors' previous investigations on productivity estimation of portable solar stills utilizing thermoelectric modules (Esfahani et al., 2011; …