Tensor networks (TNs) have become one of the most essential building blocks for various fields of theoretical physics such as condensed matter theory, statistical mechanics …
Recent years have seen remarkable development in open quantum systems effectively described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. A unique feature of non-Hermitian topological …
A quantum many-body system whose dynamics includes local measurements at a nonzero rate can be in distinct dynamical phases, with differing entanglement properties. We …
A wave function subject to unitary time evolution and exposed to measurements undergoes pure state dynamics, with deterministic unitary and probabilistic measurement-induced state …
We construct Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) chains subjected to continuous monitoring and explore possible entanglement phase transitions therein. We analytically derive the …
We derive field theory descriptions for measurement-induced phase transitions in free fermion systems. We focus on a multiflavor Majorana chain, undergoing Hamiltonian …
We analyze the quantum trajectory dynamics of free fermions subject to continuous monitoring. For weak monitoring, we identify a novel dynamical regime of subextensive …
We develop an analytical approach to the study of one-dimensional free fermions subject to random projective measurements of local site occupation numbers, based on the Keldysh …
We identify an unconventional algebraic scaling phase in the quantum dynamics of long- range hopping, free fermions, which are exposed to continuous local measurements. The …