A comprehensive survey of a rapidly expanding field of combinatorial optimization, mathematically oriented but offering biological explanations when required. From one cell to …
In comparative genomics, rearrangements are mutations that affect a stretch of DNA sequences. Reversals and transpositions are well-known rearrangements, and each has a …
During the evolutionary process, genomes are affected by various genome rearrangements, that is, events that modify large stretches of the genetic material. In the literature, a large …
The rearrangement distance is a well-known problem in the field of comparative genomics. Given two genomes, the rearrangement distance is the minimum number of rearrangements …
The rearrangement distance is a method to compare genomes of different species. Such distance is the number of rearrangement events necessary to transform one genome into …
Background In the comparative genomics field, one of the goals is to estimate a sequence of genetic changes capable of transforming a genome into another. Genome rearrangement …
Recent works on genome rearrangements have shown that incorporating intergenic region information along with gene order in models provides better estimations for the …
Genome rearrangements are global mutations that change large stretches of DNA sequence throughout genomes. They are rare but accumulate during the evolutionary process leading …
Background During evolution, global mutations may alter the order and the orientation of the genes in a genome. Such mutations are referred to as rearrangement events, or simply …