This review examines the published literature on the distribution and species richness of the family Mugilidae around six continents as well as their phylogenetic relationships in a time …
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a global lockdown in mid-2020, leading to a rapid decline in international travel and tourism. In French Polynesia, marine-based tourism activities ceased …
Abstract Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems remain largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to determine how the acoustic fish biodiversity varied depending on the depth and the type …
A comprehensive framework for understanding species coexistence Coexistence is the central concept in community ecology, but an understanding of this concept requires that we …
ABSTRACT In 1976, Yosihiko H. Sinoto conducted extensive archaeological survey and excavations on Reao Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago as part of a Japanese, multi‐disciplinary …
How vocal organisms share acoustic space has primarily received attention in terrestrial environments. Comparable studies in marine environments, however, remain rare. By …
A recurrent question arising in fish bioacoustics research concerns the number of vocal fish species that may exist. Although it is not possible to provide a precise globally valid number …
The relative importance of evolutionary history and ecology for traits that drive ecosystem processes is poorly understood. Consumers are essential drivers of nutrient cycling on coral …
The mechanisms that govern fauna-habitat associations across multiple spatial scales remain largely undefined. Can environmental factors structure fauna-habitat associations …