M Plavšić, M Diković - Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis …, 2016 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak The purpose of the study was to contribute to the model of formal education, non- formal and informal learning (Coombs & Ahmed, 1974; European Commission, 2001) by …
Sažetak Temeljni cilj ovog rada je utvrditi povezanost traumatskih iskustava u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji s vrstom motivacije za odabir profesije kod studentica socijalne pedagogije …
Sažetak Even though students' motivation and expectations regarding their chosen field of study have been a topic that has drawn a lot of interest, in Croatia there has not been a …
Sažetak Doktorski rad tematizira modeliranje mjerenja namjera za samozapošljavanjem i izbora karijere studenata na završetku formalnog obrazovanja. Osnovna svrha rada ogleda …
The idea behind this survey, which was conducted in five SEE countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Serbia), is to compare and better understand the qualities and …
Rad smjera na istraživanje međugeneracijske mobilnosti u Hrvatskoj putem usporedbe društvenog položaja putem obrazovanja i zanimanja, tj. ustanovljavanje obrazaca …
V Novak, A Žnidaršič - Organizacija, 2018 - sciendo.com
Background and Purpose: We are living in a time of accelerated globalization, which has a far-reaching impact for youth employment. Therefore, the paper presents the problem of the …