Visual analytics for the exploration of tumor tissue characterization

RG Raidou, UA van der Heide, CV Dinh… - Computer Graphics …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Tumors are heterogeneous tissues consisting of multiple regions with distinct characteristics.
Characterization of these intra‐tumor regions can improve patient diagnosis and enable a …

Bayesian classifier applications of airborne hyperspectral imagery processing for forested areas

V Kozoderov, T Kondranin, E Dmitriev… - Advances in Space …, 2015 - Elsevier
Pattern recognition problem is outlined in the context of textural and spectral analysis of
remote sensing imagery processing. Main attention is paid to Bayesian classifier that can be …

Block based texture analysis for iris classification and matching

A Ross, MS Sunder - 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference …, 2010 -
The goal of this paper is to analyze the texture of irides and determine if they can be
quantitatively measured and assigned into multiple categories. Such an exercise would …

[PDF][PDF] Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality When Clustering Multivariate Volume Data.

V Molchanov, L Linsen - VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP), 2018 -
Visual analytics of multidimensional data suffer from the curse of dimensionality, ie, that
even large numbers of data points will be scattered in a high-dimensional space. The curse …

Employing 2d projections for fast visual exploration of large fiber tracking data

J Poco, DM Eler, FV Paulovich… - Computer Graphics …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Fiber tracts detection is an increasingly common technology for diagnosis and also
understanding of brain function. Although tools for tracing and presenting brain fibers are …

Interactive comparison of multifield scalar data based on largest contours

D Schneider, C Heine, H Carr… - Computer Aided Geometric …, 2013 - Elsevier
We present a feature-based interactive technique for comparing multiple scalar fields. It
extracts largest contour features from the topologically simplified contour trees of each field …

Continuous representation of projected attribute spaces of multifields over any spatial sampling

V Molchanov, A Fofonov, L Linsen - Computer Graphics Forum, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
For the visual analysis of multidimensional data, dimension reduction methods are
commonly used to project to a lower‐dimensional visual space. In the context of multifields …

[PDF][PDF] A Cluster Hierarchy-based Volume Rendering Approach for Interactive Visual Exploration of Multi-variate Volume Data.

P Dobrev, T Van Long, L Linsen - VMV, 2011 -
Interactive visual analysis of volumetric data relies on intuitive, yet powerful mechanisms to
generate transfer functions. For multi-variate data, traditional methods for interactive transfer …

[PDF][PDF] Visualizing High-density Clusters in Multidimensional Data.

T Van Long - 2010 - Citeseer
The analysis of multidimensional multivariate data has been studied in various research
areas for many years. The goal of the analysis is to gain insight into the specific properties of …

[图书][B] Smoothviz: Visualization of smoothed particles hydrodynamics data

L Linsen, P Rosenthal, P Dobrev, S Rosswog… - 2011 -
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a completely mesh-free method to simulate fluid
flow (Gingold & Monaghan, 1977; Lucy, 1977). Rather than representing the physical …