Despite tax being a fundamental method to redistribute wealth and achieve a sustainable economic and social system, tax agencies and institutions in most countries are struggling …
Within digital finance, CBDCs are booming. As there are currently four operational CBDCs and as many as ninety-four central banks, jurisdictions or currency areas are testing or …
Based on traditional market theory, this study aims to investigate whether conventional market investment slopes affect the unconventional Bitcoin market, considering both normal …
Sustainable economic development plans have been shattered by the devastating COVID- 19 crisis, which brought about an economic recession. The companies are suffering from …
Forecasting price changes is very important for the process of estimating and managing market risk in financial markets. Price changes in financial markets may also depend on non …
Asset-Liability Management (ALM) of banks is defined as simultaneous planning of all bank assets and liabilities under different conditions and its purpose is to maximize profits and …
The aim of this study was to investigate the financial sustainability of retail food SMEs for the 2016–2021 period, in Romania, from the perspective of financial equilibrium and …
Community structure detection is an important and valuable task in financial network studies as it forms the basis of many statistical applications such as prediction, risk analysis, and …
The main aim of this paper is to examine the dynamic relationship between the three pillars of the economy: unemployment, inflation, and GDP in Ethiopia using the cross-wavelet …