In this work, we have investigated the effect of impurity position on optical properties of a pyramid and a cone like quantum dot. For this goal, we first obtain the energy levels and …
Under constant electric and magnetic fields, the potential profile of the honeycomb quantum well wire (HQWW) is studied for varying intense laser fields to trigger and optimize high …
In this work, a hexagonal quantum dot (HQD) with hydrogenic donor impurity was considered. We have first employed the finite element method (FEM) to determine energy …
The 1 s-like and 2 p-like donor impurity energy states are studied in a semiconductor quantum wire of equilateral triangular cross section as functions of the impurity position and …
In this paper, within the effective mass approximation and by using the finite element method, we have studied the photoionization cross section (PCS) and the binding energy of …
We have studied the behavior of the binding energy and photoionization cross-section of a donor-impurity in cylindrical-shape GaAs-Ga 0.7 Al 0.3 As quantum dots, under the effects of …
LM Burileanu - Journal of luminescence, 2014 - Elsevier
Using a perturbative method we have investigated the behavior of the binding energy and photoionization cross-section of a donor impurity in spherical GaAs–GaAlAs quantum dots …
We study the laser field effects on the intersubband optical absorption and the refractive index changes in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wire with equilateral triangle cross section. The …
In this work, we have investigated the effect of electric field and impurity position on nonlinear optical rectification of a double cone like quantum dot in the effective mass …