The specification of a family of software products may include documents written in natural language. Automatically extracting knowledge from these documents is a challenging …
Feature Models (FMs) are a mechanism to model variability among a family of closely related software products, ie a software product line (SPL). Analysis of FMs using formal …
Variability is a characteristic of a software project and describes the fact that a system can be configured in different ways, obtaining different products (variants) from a common code …
Model matching algorithms are used to identify common elements in input models, which is a fundamental precondition for many software engineering tasks, such as merging software …
Today's software systems are too complex to ensure security after the fact–security has to be built into systems by design. To this end, model-based techniques such as UMLsec support …
Feature models (FM) are a valuable resource in the analysis of software product lines (SPL). They provide a visual abstraction of the variation points in a family of related software …
Software is often released in multiple variants to address the needs of different customers or application scenarios. One frequent approach to create new variants is clone-and-own …
Software product lines are commonly adopted in industry to manage the development of complex families of software systems. Software engineering activities use models at their …
Cyber-physical systems play a crucial role in various applications, ranging from critical infrastructure control like power grid to the technological revolution of Industry 4.0 aimed to …