D Bagić, A Šuljok - Sociologija i prostor: časopis za istraživanje …, 2021 - hrcak.srce.hr
SAŽETAK U ovome se radu analiziraju neke determinante protektivnog ponašanja, posebice povjerenje u institucije, percepcija rizika od COVID-a 19 i sociodemografska …
Low levels of trust in institutions in a post-socialist context is a relatively well-documented finding across various disciplines. Building upon this, the paper adds new insights to this …
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, adherence to epidemiological measures was proved related to the information exchanged through personal networks. However …
The COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly one of the more significant events that marked the21st century and changed the world. Also, the 21st century was marked by the peculiar …
The paper aims to investigate the theoretical assumption that the value system (according to the Schwartz model) is associated with compliance with recommendations to combat the …
NH Bajić, S Zrinščak - RELIGION, LAW, and COVID-19 in …, 2024 - library.oapen.org
In this chapter, we provide an overview of the legal and sociological aspects of the pandemic that pertain to religion. The legal measures undertaken by the Croatian …
Sažetak Važni društveni događaji pogoduju širenju teorija zavjere putem kojih osobe nastoje razumjeti složene situacije. Rasprostranjenost teorija zavjere može se djelomično …
Sažetak Ideja ovog završnog rada je istražiti koja je uloga medija, što su mainstream mediji, te zašto postoji veliki porast vjerovanja u teorije zavjere a manjak povjerenja u medije …
Sažetak Zahvaljujući COVID-19 pandemiji, koja se od prosinca 2019. iz Kine vrlo brzo proširila diljem svijeta, život kakav smo poznavali otišao je u sjećanje. Od tada se život …