Systems and methods for management of mobile banking resources

E Kursun, S Lee - US Patent 10,055,726, 2018 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods for the management of mobile banking resources are
disclosed. In one embodiment, a self-propelled, mobile transaction resource may include an …

Systems and methods for biometric image alignment

O Oreifej - US Patent 9,785,819, 2017 - Google Patents
Systems and methods for aligning images are disclosed. A method includes receiving an
input image of a biometric object; identifying a plurality of sets of candidate transfor mations …

Media identification system for efficient matching of media items having common content

S Bilobrov - US Patent 8,594,392, 2013 - Google Patents
To identify a media item from a database of media items that have common content, a region
of interest is defined to include a plurality of frames of a test fingerprint that corre spond to …

Method and system for biometric authentication

CR White, M Peirce, G Gupta - US Patent 8,977,861, 2015 - Google Patents
A method of authentication is provided that includes captur ing biometric data for a desired
biometric type from an indi vidual, determining analgorithm for converting the biometric data …

Data processing apparatus and method

D Duffy, C Goodwin, A Jones, D Binks - US Patent App. 10/467,831, 2004 - Google Patents
There is described an apparatus for generating a cryptographic key using data
representative of an analogue source. The apparatus has a number generator which …

Biometric authentication system

DG Duffy, AW Jones - US Patent 7,882,363, 2011 - Google Patents
There is described an authentication system in which during an enrolment process a
distinctive characteristic of a subject being enrolled is measured to generate a reference …

Method and system for biometric authentication

CR White, M Peirce, G Gupta - US Patent 8,041,956, 2011 - Google Patents
A method of authentication is provided that includes capturing biometric data for a desired
biometric type from an individual, determining an algorithm for converting the biometric data …

Data processing apparatus and method

DG Duffy - US Patent 8,572,673, 2013 - Google Patents
US8572673B2 - Data processing apparatus and method - Google Patents US8572673B2 -
Data processing apparatus and method - Google Patents Data processing apparatus and …

Electronic device performing finger biometric pre-matching and related methods

G Gozzini - US Patent 9,436,864, 2016 - Google Patents
An electronic device may include a finger biometric sensor to sense a user's finger adjacent
thereto, and a memory for storing finger matching biometric data and a subset of finger …

Enrollment and authentication on a mobile device

M Li, FW Kiefer, JK Schneider, T Sheng… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods for biometric authentication are disclosed. The invention may
be used to authenticate an individual. At least two enrollment templates may be obtained at …