The paper examines the practical consequences of the Christian faith in the creation for environmental ethics and climate protection. Both are interpreted as a practical form of faith …
This thesis uses cyber security, an important topic in today's world, as a vector for analysis in order to contribute to a better understanding of the European Union (EU)'s policy-making …
L Simão - The European Union as an International Actor: Peace … -
The European Union's (EU) identity as an international security actor has developed as a response to the fast changing regional and international security context since the end of the …
L Simão - União Europeia como Ator Internacional: Paz e …, 2022 -
A constituição da União Europeia (UE) como um ator de segurança internacional tem procurado responder a um contexto regional e internacional em mutação acelerada desde …
The European Union's (EU) identity as an international security actor has developed as a response to the fast changing regional and international security context since the end of the …
C Kaunert, I Yakubov - The Routledge Handbook of Justice and …, 2017 -
Since its emergence as an alternative approach to traditional security studies, securitization has become an attractive concept for researchers of EU justice and home affairs, and …
The article demonstrates that the most important agreements underpinning the European security since the end of the preceding century stopped being implemented in the second …
Magistritöös uurib autor Euroopa Liidu ja Ameerika Ühendriikide terrorismivastast koostööd, et tuvastada koostöö takistused ja võimaldajad. Lisaks uurib autor koostöö jõujooni ehk …