Several-variable p-adic families of Siegel-Hilbert cusp eigensystems and their Galois representations

J Tilouine, E Urban - Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 1999 - Elsevier
Let F be a totally real field and G= GSp (4)/F. In this paper, we show under a weak
assumption that, given a Hecke eigensystem λ which is (p, P)-ordinary for a fixed parabolic P …

[图书][B] Modular forms and Galois cohomology

H Hida - 2000 -
This book provides a comprehensive account of a key, perhaps the most important, theory
that forms the basis of Taylor-Wiles proof of Fermat's last theorem. Hida begins with an …

Selmer groups and the Eisenstein-Klingen ideal

E Urban - 2001 -
In this paper, we set up a strategy to prove one divisibility toward the main Iwasawa
conjecture for the Selmer groups attached to the twisted adjoint modular Galois …

[PDF][PDF] Sur les représentations p-adiques associées aux représentations cuspidales de GSp4/ℚ

E Urban - Astérisque, 2005 -
Urban, Eric. Sur les représentations $ p $-adiques associées aux représentations
cuspidales de $ GSp_ {4/\mathbb {Q}} $, dans Formes automorphes (II)-Le cas du groupe …

How can we construct abelian Galois extensions of basic number fields?

B Mazur - Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 2011 -
Irregular primes—37 being the first such prime—have played a great role in number theory.
This article discusses Ken Ribet's construction—for all irregular primes $ p $—of specific …

p-adic measures and square roots of triple product L-functions

M Harris, J Tilouine - arXiv preprint math/9610228, 1996 -
Let p be a prime number, and let f, g, and h be three modular forms of weights $\kappa $,
$\lambda $, and $\mu $ for $ SL (2,\Bbb {Z}) $. We suppose $\kappa\geq\lambda+\mu $. In …

On the search of genuine p-adic modular L-functions for GL (n). With a correction to: on p-adic L-functions of GL (2)× GL (2) over totally real fields

H Hida - Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France, 1996 -
On the search of genuine p-adic modular L-functions for GL(n). With a correction to : on p-adic
L-functions of GL(2)GL(2) over t Page 1 MÉMOIRES DE LA SMF HARUZO HIDA On the …

[PDF][PDF] Non-critical values of adjoint L-functions for SL (2)

H Hida - Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 1999 -
For a given system A (T (p)) of eigenvalues of Hecke operators acting on cohomological
cusp forms on GL (2) over a number field F, we look into the adjoint square L-function L (s …

[PDF][PDF] Groupes de Selmer et fonctions L p-adiques pour les représentations modulaires adjointes

E Urban - preprint, 2006 -
Nous démontrons une divisibilité vers la conjecture principale d'Iwasawa-Greenberg pour
les représentations modulaires adjointes. En particulier, nous prouvons la conjecture de …

Adjoint Selmer groups as Iwasawa modules

H Hida - Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2000 - Springer
We fix a prime p. In this paper, starting from a given Galois representation ϕ having values in
p-adic points of a classical group G, we study the adjoint action of ϕ on the p-adic Lie …