Narrative planning: Balancing plot and character

MO Riedl, RM Young - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2010 -
Narrative, and in particular storytelling, is an important part of the human experience.
Consequently, computational systems that can reason about narrative can be more effective …

[PDF][PDF] Folk psychology for human modelling: Extending the BDI paradigm

E Norling - Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference …, 2004 -
BDI agents have been used with considerable success to model humans and create human-
like characters in simulated environments. A key reason for this success is that the BDI …

Safeguarding and accessing drama as intangible cultural heritage

V Lombardo, A Pizzo, R Damiano - Journal on Computing and Cultural …, 2016 -
Storytelling, especially in the form called drama, is pervasive across cultures and ages.
Though much attention has been devoted to the preservation of the physical supports of …

[PDF][PDF] Games and agents: Designing intelligent gameplay.

F Dignum, J Westra, WA van Doesburg… - Int. J. Comput. Games …, 2009 -
The gaming industry has changed dramatically over the past few years. Where the
development focus used to be on the graphical possibilities of the games, that is, the …

Drammar: A comprehensive ontological resource on drama

V Lombardo, R Damiano, A Pizzo - The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th …, 2018 - Springer
This paper reports about the release of a comprehensive ontological resource on drama,
called Drammar. Drama is pervasive across cultures and is realized through disparate …

A generic wrapper architecture for multi-processor SoC cosimulation and design

S Yoo, G Nicolescu, D Lyonnard, A Baghdadi… - Proceedings of the …, 2001 -
In communication refinement with multiple communication protocols and abstraction levels,
the system specification is described by heterogeneous components in terms of …

Semantic annotation of narrative media objects

V Lombardo, R Damiano - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2012 - Springer
This paper addresses the annotation of the narrative features of media objects. Based on a
relevant narratological and computational background, we introduce an ontology–based …

Coupling conceptual modeling and rules for the annotation of dramatic media

V Lombardo, C Battaglino, A Pizzo, R Damiano… - Semantic …, 2015 -
This paper presents an ontological approach to the domain of drama. After a description of
the drama domain in a crosscultural and media setting, we introduce the ontology Drammar …

Mental state abduction of BDI-based agents

MP Sindlar, MM Dastani, F Dignum… - International Workshop on …, 2008 - Springer
In this paper we present mental state abduction, a technique for inferring the mental states
(beliefs, goals) of BDI-based agents from observations of their actions. Abduced mental …

[PDF][PDF] Optimizing Binary Feature Vector Similarity Measure using Genetic Algorithm and Handwritten Character Recognition.

SH Cha, CC Tappert, SN Srihari - ICDAR, 2003 - Citeseer
Classifying an unknown input is a fundamental problem in pattern recognition. A common
method is to define a distance metric between patterns and find the most similar pattern in …