Special features of manufacturing cutting inserts from nanocomposite material Al2O3-SiC

E Gevorkyan, A Mamalis, R Vovk… - Journal of …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The article examines the cutting characteristics of the developed composite material based
on aluminum oxide micropowders with silicon carbide nanopowder additives obtained with …

Revealing specific features of structure formation in composites based on nanopowders of synthesized zirconium dioxide

E Gevorkyan, V Nerubatskyi, V Chyshkala… - … -European Journal of …, 2021 - papers.ssrn.com
Peculiarities of formation of microstructure in composites based on chemically synthesized
zirconium nanopowders obtained by the method of decomposition from fluoride salts were …

Cutting composite material based on nanopowders of aluminum oxide and tungsten monocarbide

E Gevorkyan, V Nerubatskyi, V Chyshkala, O Morozova - 2021 - repo.knmu.edu.ua
The articale investigated properties cutting tool material of ultrapowders Al2O3-50 wt.% WC
which have got hot pressing method and the study of their properties. To obtain cutting …

Structural phase processes in multicomponent metal ceramic oxide materials based on the system Y–Ti–Zr–O (Y 2 O 3–TiO 2–ZrO 2)

V Chyshkala, S Lytovchenko, E Gevorkyan… - 2021 - repo.knmu.edu.ua
The article investigates the synthesis processes, structural characteristics and structural-
phase processes in multicomponent metal-ceramic oxide materials based on the Y-Ti-ZrO …

A study of the peculiarities of molding and structure formation of compacted multicomponent silicide composites

SV Lytovchenko, ES Gevorkyan… - Journal of Superhard …, 2022 - Springer
Technology for the preparation of carbide and multicomponent powders from scrap of hard
alloys and tungsten anhydride for further use in the formation of eutectic coatings have been …

Oпaнувaння прoцeсiв синтeзу oксидних спoлук з зaстoсувaнням пoтужнoгo джeрeлa швидкoгo нaгрiву вихiдних iнгрeдiєнтiв

ВO Чишкaлa, СВ Литoвчeнкo, ЕС Геворкян… - 2021 - repo.knmu.edu.ua
Рeaлiзoвaнo мeтoдику eлeктрoннo-прoмeнeвoгo нaгрiвaння сумiшi oксидiв iтрiю тa
циркoнiю для синтeзу склaдних oксидiв. Вихiднa сумiш мiстилa iнгрeдiєнти у кiлькoстi …

Composite materials based on alumina and silicon carbide

ES Gevorkyan, VP Nerubatskyi, MV Kislitsa - 2022 - lib.kart.edu.ua
The monograph deals with the modern state and prospects for application of new composite
materials based on alumina and silicon carbide, the special features of fabricating alumina …

Technological and scientific aspects of consolidation of refractory composites

ES Gevorkyan, VP Nerubatskyi - 2022 - lib.kart.edu.ua
The monograph deals with modern methods for consolidation of powder mixtures based on
refractory carbides, oxides and nitrides. Special attention is given to problems of compaction …

Опанування та модернізація фізико-хімічних процесів синтезу оксидних сполук зі структурою пірохлору

ВО Чишкaлa, СВ Литoвчeнкo, ЕС Гeвoркян… - 2021 - lib.kart.edu.ua
UA: Дoслiджeнo прoцeси синтeзу, структурнi хaрaктeристики i структурнo фaзoвi
прoцeси в бaгaтoкoмпoнeнтних мeтaлoкeрaмiчних oксидних мaтeрiaлaх, фiзикo-хiмiчнi …