Online social networks security and privacy: comprehensive review and analysis

AK Jain, SR Sahoo, J Kaubiyal - Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2021 - Springer
With fast-growing technology, online social networks (OSNs) have exploded in popularity
over the past few years. The pivotal reason behind this phenomenon happens to be the …

Can volunteer crowdsourcing reduce disaster risk? A systematic review of the literature

N Kankanamge, T Yigitcanlar, A Goonetilleke… - International journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Disasters are natural catastrophic events that cause damage to property and loss of lives.
Highly-reliable in-situ location information is critical for rescue efforts during and after …

Does government social media promote users' information security behavior towards COVID-19 scams? Cultivation effects and protective motivations

Z Tang, AS Miller, Z Zhou, M Warkentin - Government Information Quarterly, 2021 - Elsevier
Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the COVID-19 outbreak and offering COVID-19-
related scams to unsuspecting people. Currently, there is a lack of studies that focus on …

Digital resilience: How rural communities leapfrogged into sustainable development

Y Tim, L Cui, Z Sheng - Information Systems Journal, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Digital social innovation (DSI)—the novel use of digital technology to address societal
challenges—plays a critical role in our collective pursuit of sustainable development. In this …

Factors influencing user participation in social media: Evidence from twitter usage during COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia

A Mohammed, A Ferraris - Technology in Society, 2021 - Elsevier
With increasing frequency, people are using social media sites to obtain timely information
about the world's grand challenges and this phenomenon is amplified during crises …

[HTML][HTML] Opening organizational learning in crisis management: On the affordances of social media

K Eismann, O Posegga, K Fischbach - The Journal of Strategic Information …, 2021 - Elsevier
Research on the role of social media in crisis management has led to a deeper
understanding of their affordances. This research, however, is fragmented, with a primary …

Why DO citizens engage in government social media accounts during COVID-19 pandemic? A comparative study

T Islm, H Meng, AH Pitafi, AU Zafar, Z Sheikh… - Telematics and …, 2021 - Elsevier
The worldwide COVID-19 outbreak that crushed the global economy and healthcare
increased the public willingness to acquire more information and enthusiasm to engage …

Why do citizens participate on government social media accounts during crises? A civic voluntarism perspective

J Guo, N Liu, Y Wu, C Zhang - Information & Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Government social media accounts (GSMAs) are increasingly used by government agencies
for crisis management. The success of crisis management through GSMAs highly depends …

A hybrid approach of machine learning and lexicons to sentiment analysis: enhanced insights from twitter data of natural disasters

S Mendon, P Dutta, A Behl, S Lessmann - Information Systems Frontiers, 2021 - Springer
The success factor of sentimental analysis lies in identifying the most occurring and relevant
opinions among users relating to the particular topic. In this paper, we develop a framework …

Using mobile phone data for emergency management: a systematic literature review

Y Wang, J Li, X Zhao, G Feng, X Luo - Information Systems Frontiers, 2020 - Springer
Emergency management (EM) has always been a concern of people from all walks of life
due to the devastating impacts emergencies can have. The global outbreak of COVID-19 in …