The ground states of noninteracting fermions in one-dimension with chiral symmetry form a class of topological band insulators, described by a topological invariant that can be related …
Critical phase transitions contain a variety of deep and universal physics and are intimately tied to thermodynamic quantities through scaling relations. Yet, these notions are …
Topological phase transitions can be described by the theory of critical phenomena and identified by critical exponents that define their universality classes. This is a consequence …
The investigation and characterization of topological quantum phase transition between gapless phases is one of the recent interest of research in topological states of matter. We …
The topological properties of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model in the presence of nearest-neighbor interaction are investigated by means of a topological marker, generalized …
We demonstrate that the prototypical two-dimensional Chern insulator hosts exotic quantum multicriticality in the presence of an appropriate periodic driving: a linear Dirac-like transition …
The notion of fidelity susceptibility, introduced within the context of quantum metric tensor, has been an important quantity to characterize the criticality near quantum phase transitions …
Topological phases of materials are characterized by topological invariants that are conventionally calculated by different means according to the dimension and symmetry …
We show that synthetic spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms in optical Raman potentials can be exploited to build versatile quantum simulators of correlated Chern insulators …