On the rigid cohomology of certain Shimura varieties

M Harris, KW Lan, R Taylor, J Thorne - Research in the Mathematical …, 2016 - Springer
We construct the compatible system of l-adic representations associated to a regular
algebraic cuspidal automorphic representation of GL_n GL n over a CM (or totally real) field …

On -adic -functions for in finite slope Shalika families

DB Salazar, M Dimitrov, C Williams - arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.10907, 2021 - arxiv.org
In this paper, we prove new results on the geometry of the cuspidal eigenvariety for
$\mathrm {GL} _ {2n} $ over a totally real number field $ F $ at classical points admitting …

Higher Koecher's principle

KW Lan - Mathematical Research Letters, 2016 - intlpress.com
We show that the classical Koecher's principle for holomorphic Siegel modular forms
generalizes to all PEL-type cases, in mixed characteristics and for all vector-valued weights …

Triple product p-adic L-functions for balanced weights

M Greenberg, MA Seveso - Mathematische Annalen, 2020 - Springer
We construct p-adic triple product L-functions that interpolate (square roots of) central critical
L-values in the balanced region. Thus, our construction complements that of Harris and …

On -adic -functions for Hilbert modular forms

J Bergdall, D Hansen - arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.05324, 2017 - arxiv.org
We construct $ p $-adic $ L $-functions associated with $ p $-refined cohomological
cuspidal Hilbert modular forms over any totally real field under a mild hypothesis. Our …

Galois representations and torsion in the coherent cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties

M Emerton, DA Reduzzi, L Xiao - Journal für die reine und …, 2017 - degruyter.com
Let F be a totally real number field and let p be a prime unramified in F. We prove the
existence of Galois pseudo-representations attached to mod⁡ pm Hecke eigenclasses of …

Lubin–Tate theory and overconvergent Hilbert modular forms of low weight

G Porat - Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2022 - Springer
Let K be a finite extension of ℚ p and let Γ be the Galois group of the cyclotomic extension of
K. Fontaine's theory gives a classification of p-adic representations of Ga (K¯/K) in terms of …

p-adic heights of Heegner points on Shimura curves

D Disegni - Algebra & Number Theory, 2015 - msp.org
Let f be a primitive Hilbert modular form of parallel weight 2 and level N for the totally real
field F, and let p be a rational prime coprime to 2 N. If f is ordinary at p and E is a CM …

ℒ-invariants and logarithm derivatives of eigenvalues of Frobenius

YC Zhang - Science China Mathematics, 2014 - Springer
Let K be ap-adic local field. We study a special kind of p-adic Galois representations of it.
These representations are similar to the Galois representations occurred in the exceptional …

Les variétés de Hecke–Hilbert aux points classiques de poids parallèle 1

A Betina - Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 2018 - jtnb.centre-mersenne.org
On montre que la variété de Hecke associée aux formes de Hilbert sur un corps totalement
réel F est lisse aux points correspondant à certaines séries thêta de poids 1 et on donne …