[图书][B] Transnational organized crime, terrorism, and criminalized states in Latin America: An emerging tier-one national security priority

D Farah - 2012 - books.google.com
The emergence of new hybrid (state and nonstate) transnational criminal/terrorist franchises
in Latin America operating under broad state protection now pose a tier-one security threat …

[图书][B] The geography of international terrorism: an introduction to spaces and places of violent non-state groups

RM Medina, GF Hepner - 2013 - books.google.com
While geography is not the only factor to shape human behavior, its influence on terrorists'
motivations, behaviors, options, and activities is a primary consideration in understanding …

Black holes: On terrorist sanctuaries and governmental weakness

R Korteweg - Civil Wars, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
The 9/11 attacks demonstrated the strategic importance of terrorist sanctuaries. Aside from
sanctuaries provided by host-states, ungoverned areas around the world are exploited by …

[图书][B] Crime, violence, and global warming

J Crank, L Jacoby - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
Crime, Violence, and Global Warming introduces the many connections between climate
change and criminal activity. Conflict over natural resources can escalate to state and non …

Conditioned sovereignty: the creation and legitimation of spaces of violence in counterterrorism operations of the “war on terror”

J Prinz, C Schetter - Alternatives, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
We argue that the spatialization of violence in the counterterrorism operations of the War on
Terror provides insight for understanding how these operations are legitimized and how they …

Conflict prevention: Old wine in new bottles?

K Aggestam - Mitigating Conflict, 2004 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The notion of conflict prevention (CP) has a general appeal to most scholars within conflict
research. It implies that we might be able to avoid destructive conflicts through external …

Beyond necessity: Hezbollah and the intersection of state-sponsored terrorism with organised crime

DO Shaw - Critical Studies on Terrorism, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The world is arguably experiencing a resurgence of state-sponsored terrorism. Meanwhile,
the crime-terror nexus is seen as a continued threat to global security and stability. However …

[图书][B] America's war on terror

RP Watson - 2016 - books.google.com
Developing ideas established in the successful first edition, this new version of America's
War on Terror updates and expands the original collection of essays, allowing the reader to …

Mapping and deterring violent extremist networks in North-West Africa

O Walther, C Leuprecht - … of Border Region Studies Working Paper, 2015 - papers.ssrn.com
This article examines the structural and spatial organization of violent extremist
organizations (VEOs) across the Sahara. Building on the Armed Conflict Location and Event …

Terrorist-criminal pipelines and criminalized states: Emerging alliances

D Farah - Prism, 2011 - JSTOR
In recent years, the group has relied primarily on kidnappings for ransom to finance its
activities and is estimated by US and European officials to have an annual budget of about …