Many developmental psycholinguists assume that young children have adult syntactic competence, this assumption being operationalized in the use of adult-like grammars to …
An investigation of how children balance rules and exceptions when they learn languages. All languages have exceptions alongside overarching rules and regularities. How does a …
In this groundbreaking book, Michael Tomasello presents a comprehensive usage-based theory of language acquisition. Drawing together a vast body of empirical research in …
EV Clark, M Casillas - The Routledge handbook of linguistics, 2015 -
It is with renewed appreciation for the size of the task that I come to writing the present chapter. The number of special issues of journals dedicated to im/politeness these days …
Is children's language acquisition based on innate linguistic structures or built from cognitive and communicative skills? This book summarises the major theoretical debates in all of the …
The central focus of this text is language development as a field of basic research, but applied issues are also considered. Chapter 1 provides an overview and history of the field …
The new edition of a comprehensive introduction to a rapidly developing field, combining developmental data with theory. How do children begin to use language? How does …
It is a simple observation that children make mistakes when they learn a language. Yet, to the trained eye, these mistakes are far from random; in fact, they closely resemble perfectly …
In language learning, the rule of thumb is: the earlier the better. Children exposed to language from birth are uniformly successful in first language acquisition (L1A), whereas …