Visualization and analysis of second‐order tensors: Moving beyond the symmetric positive‐definite case

A Kratz, C Auer, M Stommel, I Hotz - Computer Graphics Forum, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Tensors provide a powerful language to describe physical phenomena. Consequently, they
have a long tradition in physics and appear in various application areas, either as the final …

Diffusion MRI visualization

T Schultz, A Vilanova - NMR in Biomedicine, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Modern diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) acquires intricate volume datasets
and biological meaning can only be found in the relationship between its different …

Sampling and visualizing creases with scale-space particles

GL Kindlmann, RSJ Estépar, SM Smith… - IEEE transactions on …, 2009 -
Particle systems have gained importance as a methodology for sampling implicit surfaces
and segmented objects to improve mesh generation and shape analysis. We propose that …

Crease surfaces: From theory to extraction and application to diffusion tensor MRI

T Schultz, H Theisel, HP Seidel - IEEE Transactions on …, 2009 -
Crease surfaces are two-dimensional manifolds along which a scalar field assumes a local
maximum (ridge) or a local minimum (valley) in a constrained space. Unlike isosurfaces …

Diderot: a domain-specific language for portable parallel scientific visualization and image analysis

G Kindlmann, C Chiw, N Seltzer… - IEEE transactions on …, 2015 -
Many algorithms for scientific visualization and image analysis are rooted in the world of
continuous scalar, vector, and tensor fields, but are programmed in low-level languages and …

Stable feature flow fields

T Weinkauf, H Theisel, A Van Gelder… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2010 -
Feature Flow Fields are a well-accepted approach for extracting and tracking features. In
particular, they are often used to track critical points in time-dependent vector fields and to …

A survey on visualization of tensor field

C Bi, L Yang, Y Duan, Y Shi - Journal of Visualization, 2019 - Springer
Tensor field has been widely used in various applications, such as medical imaging,
industrial manufacturing, high-dimensional data analysis, and so forth. However, it is a …

Feature surfaces in symmetric tensor fields based on eigenvalue manifold

J Palacios, H Yeh, W Wang, Y Zhang… - IEEE transactions on …, 2015 -
Three-dimensional symmetric tensor fields have a wide range of applications in solid and
fluid mechanics. Recent advances in the (topological) analysis of 3D symmetric tensor fields …

Extraction of ridge and valley lines from unorganized points

SK Kim - Multimedia tools and applications, 2013 - Springer
Given an unstructured point set, we use an MLS (moving least-squares) approximation to
estimate the local curvatures and their derivatives at a point by means of an approximating …

A visual approach to analysis of stress tensor fields

A Kratz, B Meyer, I Hotz - 2011 -
We present a visual approach for the exploration of stress tensor fields. In contrast to
common tensor visualization methods that only provide a single view to the tensor field, we …