The diachrony of valency patterns is generally an understudied phenomenon. The present article investigates anticausativization from a diachronic perspective, highlighting the …
S Luraghi, G Inglese, D Kölligan - Folia Linguistica, 2021 -
The IE languages developed different strategies for the encoding of the passive function. In some language branches, the middle voice extended to the passive function to varying …
M Cennamo - Valency over time: Diachronic perspectives on …, 2021 -
This article explores the interplay of the event structure template of verbs with the verb's inherent meaning (the 'root') and the nature of the subject (eg, animacy and control) in …
M Cennamo - The role of semantic, pragmatic, and discourse …, 2009 -
Three parameters play a role in the spread of the accusative into the functional domains of the nominative for non-object, core arguments: semantic (the inactive nature of the …
The paper discusses the phenomenon of Late Latin intransitivizations, where a morphologically active form of a transitive verb is used with a middle-passive function …
M Cennamo - Impersonal constructions, 2011 -
This paper explores the role played by impersonal constructions in the rise of active coding systems, with evidence from Late Latin. It is argued that the spread of accusative arguments …
PC Hofherr - Manual of Romance morphosyntax and syntax, 2017 -
In the transition from Latin to Early Romance the synthetic passive forms were lost, followed by a restructuring of the voice system. The reinterpretation of originally perfective passive …
M Cennamo - Historical Linguistics 2017: Selected papers from the …, 2020 -
This article discusses some aspects of the reorganization of voice distinctions in the transition from Latin to Romance, namely the grammaticalization of activity (do/make) and …
P Petré, H Cuyckens - Folia Linguistica Historica, 2009 -
Applying the framework of Radical Construction Grammar to diachronic phenomena, the present paper examines Copular Constructions in Old and Middle English, with special …