We review the psychology and neuroscience of reinforcement learning (RL), which has experienced significant progress in the past two decades, enabled by the comprehensive …
Sequential decision making, commonly formalized as Markov Decision Process (MDP) optimization, is an important challenge in artificial intelligence. Two key approaches to this …
Over the past 20 years, neuroscience research on reward-based learning has converged on a canonical model, under which the neurotransmitter dopamine 'stamps in'associations …
The nervous system uses fast-and slow-adapting sensory detectors in parallel to enable neuronal representations of external states and their temporal dynamics. It is unknown …
Theories of reward learning in neuroscience have focused on two families of algorithms thought to capture deliberative versus habitual choice.'Model-based'algorithms compute the …
To make decisions, animals must evaluate candidate choices by accessing memories of relevant experiences. Yet little is known about which experiences are considered or ignored …
Distinct model-free and model-based learning processes are thought to drive both typical and dysfunctional behaviours. Data from two-stage decision tasks have seemingly shown …
Midbrain dopamine signals are widely thought to report reward prediction errors that drive learning in the basal ganglia. However, dopamine has also been implicated in various …
Humans and animals are capable of evaluating actions by considering their long-run future rewards through a process described using model-based reinforcement learning (RL) …