Dynamic sensorimotor interactions in locomotion

S Rossignol, R Dubuc, JP Gossard - Physiological reviews, 2006 - journals.physiology.org
Locomotion results from intricate dynamic interactions between a central program and
feedback mechanisms. The central program relies fundamentally on a genetically …

Neural control of stereotypic limb movements

S Rossignol - Comprehensive physiology, 1996 - cir.nii.ac.jp
< jats: title> Abstract</jats: title>< jats: p> The sections in this article are:</jats: p>< jats:
sec>< jats: title> Kinematics and Muscle Activity</jats: title>< jats: sec>< jats: title> Hindlimb …

[图书][B] Neuronal control of locomotion: from mollusc to man

G Orlovsky, TG Deliagina, S Grillner - 1999 - academic.oup.com
What does the swimming leech have to do with the running human? The ability to move
actively in space is essential to members of the animal kingdom, and the evolution of the …

Selfishness examined: Cooperation in the absence of egoistic incentives

LR Caporael, RM Dawes, JM Orbell… - Behavioral and Brain …, 1989 - cambridge.org
Social dilemmas occur when the pursuit of self-interest by individuals in a group leads to
less than optimal collective outcomes for everyone in the group. A critical assumption in the …

Spinal sensorimotor systems and their supraspinal control

ED Schomburg - Neuroscience research, 1990 - Elsevier
Spinal motor systems receive a convergent input from descending tracts and peripheral
afferents. As a rule, there is multiform descending convergence from different supraspinal …

Peripheral control of the cat's step cycle: II. Entrainment of the central pattern generators for locomotion by sinusoidal hip movements during “fictive locomotion”

O Andersson, S GRILLNER - Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1983 - Wiley Online Library
Acute low spinal and curarized cats injected with noradrenergic agonists iv can elicit an
efferent burst pattern which can be recorded in muscle nerve filaments and can be referred …

Distribution and innervation of short, interdigitated muscle fibers in parallel‐fibered muscles of the cat hindlimb

GE Loeb, CA Pratt, CM Chanaud… - journal of …, 1987 - Wiley Online Library
The cat hindlimb contains several long, biarticular strap muscles composed of parallel
muscle fascicles that attach to short tendons. Three of these muscles‐sartorius, tenuissimus …

Adaptability of innate motor patterns and motor control mechanisms

MB Berkinblit, AG Feldman, OI Fukson - Behavioral and Brain …, 1986 - cambridge.org
The following factors underlying behavioral plasticity are discussed:(1) reflex adaptability
and its role in the voluntary control of movement,(2) degrees of freedom and motor …

Relation between location of a motor unit in the human biceps brachii and its critical firing levels for different tasks

BM ter Haar Romeny, JJD van der Gon, C Gielen - Experimental neurology, 1984 - Elsevier
Critical firing levels (CFLs) of single motor units (MUs) in the long head of the human biceps
brachii muscle were determined in combinations of two isometric tasks: flexion of the elbow …

Spatiotemporal activation of lumbosacral motoneurons in the locomotor step cycle

S Yakovenko, V Mushahwar… - Journal of …, 2002 - journals.physiology.org
The aim of this study was to produce a dynamic model of the spatiotemporal activation of
ensembles of alpha motoneurons (MNs) in the cat lumbosacral spinal cord during the …