[图书][B] Business persons: A legal theory of the firm

EW Orts - 2013 - books.google.com
Business firms are ubiquitous in modern society, but an appreciation of how they are formed
and for what purposes requires an understanding of their legal foundations. This book …

The grip of nationalism on corporate law

M Pargendler - Ind. LJ, 2020 - HeinOnline
After decades of increased economic integration, nationalistic sentiment and protectionist
policies are back in vogue, raising questions about the future of globalization. This tension is …

The rule of law in Japan: A comparative analysis

CF Goodman - 2017 - torrossa.com
Much has happened in Japan since the publication of the Third Revised Edition in 2012.
The long ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) regained control of the Diet and the …

Diversity of shareholder stewardship in asia: faux convergence

G Goto, AK Koh, DW Puchniak - Vand. J. Transnat'l L., 2020 - HeinOnline
Since the UK adopted the world's first stewardship code in 2010, stewardship codes have
proliferated across Asia. Given the UK Code's prominence, it is tempting to assume that …

[图书][B] 民商法论丛(第73 卷)

梁慧星 - 2022 - books.google.com
《 民商法论丛》 1994 年创刊, 是我国创办最早的法学类集刊,< wbr> 亦为CSSCI 来源刊.
二十多年来,《 民商法论丛》< wbr> 发表了许多具有重要学术价值的研究成果,< wbr> …

The enigma of hostile takeovers in Japan: Bidder beware

DW Puchniak, M Nakahigashi - Berkeley Bus. LJ, 2018 - HeinOnline
For over two decades, Japan has ostensibly had all of the essential elements that leading
academics and sophisticated investors have assumed to be sufficient for a country to …

Land of the falling" Poison pill": Understanding defensive measures in Japan on their own terms

AK Koh, M Nakahigashi, DW Puchniak - U. Pa. J. Int'l L., 2019 - HeinOnline
The advent of the" shareholder rights' plan", more popularly known as the" poison pill"',
fundamentally altered the trajectory of American corporate governance. Intended to defend …

Japan as a victim of comparative law

GF Colombo - Mich. St. Int'l L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Japan has a very peculiar place in the framework of comparative law in general. It is often
praised as a case of successful ground for legal transplants, as it was able to adopt and …

Japanese Corporate Governance: Behind Legal Norms

C Pejovic - Penn St. Int'l L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
Corporate governance may be analyzed from different perspectives, one of them being its
legal aspect. However, instead of examining legal rules regarding corporate governance …

[PDF][PDF] Re-evaluating Corporate Purpose: A Critical Assessment of the Indian Stakeholder Governance Framework through a Historical and Comparative Analysis

A Pandey, MPR Mohan - SSRN Electronic Journal. DOI, 2024 - iima.ac.in
In the last century, the meaning and interpretation of the purpose of the corporation has
undergone a succession of ideological shifts. Corporate purpose has become the prime …