After decades of increased economic integration, nationalistic sentiment and protectionist policies are back in vogue, raising questions about the future of globalization. This tension is …
Much has happened in Japan since the publication of the Third Revised Edition in 2012. The long ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) regained control of the Diet and the …
G Goto, AK Koh, DW Puchniak - Vand. J. Transnat'l L., 2020 - HeinOnline
Since the UK adopted the world's first stewardship code in 2010, stewardship codes have proliferated across Asia. Given the UK Code's prominence, it is tempting to assume that …
For over two decades, Japan has ostensibly had all of the essential elements that leading academics and sophisticated investors have assumed to be sufficient for a country to …
The advent of the" shareholder rights' plan", more popularly known as the" poison pill"', fundamentally altered the trajectory of American corporate governance. Intended to defend …
GF Colombo - Mich. St. Int'l L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Japan has a very peculiar place in the framework of comparative law in general. It is often praised as a case of successful ground for legal transplants, as it was able to adopt and …
C Pejovic - Penn St. Int'l L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
Corporate governance may be analyzed from different perspectives, one of them being its legal aspect. However, instead of examining legal rules regarding corporate governance …
In the last century, the meaning and interpretation of the purpose of the corporation has undergone a succession of ideological shifts. Corporate purpose has become the prime …