Perlindungan Bagi Anak Korban Cyberbullying: Studi Di Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia Daerah (Kpaid) Jawa Timur

K Hardiyanti, Y Indawati - Sibatik Journal: Jurnal ilmiah …, 2023 -
Efek negatif dalam berinternet dapat menimbulkan perliku kekerasan pada dunia maya
disebut dengan Cyberbullying. Anak perlu mendapatkan perlindungan dari kesalahan …

Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial dan Komunikasi Keluarga Terhadap Perilaku Cyberbullying pada Anak

A Uldafira, A Rochmaniah - Jurnal Pustaka Komunikasi, 2023 -
Penggunaan media sosial semakin berkembang dikalangan masyarakat luas terutama
dikalangan anak-anak dengan hadirnya media sosial tentunya dapat memberikan dampak …

[PDF][PDF] Cyberbullying Sebagai Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online: Dampak Terhadap Remaja Serta Peran Keluarga

AA Permatasari - Jurnal Wanita Dan Keluarga, 2022 -
Cyberbullying merupakan salah satu fenomena kekerasan yang masih banyak kita jumpai
hingga saat ini. Cyberbullying merupakan perilaku kekerasan yang dilakukan secara …

Komunikasi Persuasif dan Sikap Pada Perundungan dalam Serial Film 13 Reasons Why

RK Eleazar, D Irwandy - LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi, 2021 -
Nowadays, the condition of bullying cases committed by teenagers in Indonesia is still high,
and it remains an unresolved issue, as well as the enthusiasm of Netflix viewers in …

Layanan Konseling Kelompok Berbasis Permainan dalam Pembentukan Sikap Toleransi

M Pabbajah, M Murtiningsih… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2022 -
Games as learning media have not received a portion of attention in the world of education.
This paper aims to explain that through game-based group services can foster an attitude of …

Social and Economic Factors Impacting Bullying at School

R Wibowo, B Bahagia, L Muniroh, AK Halim… - EDUKATIF: JURNAL …, 2024 -
Bullying includes the behavior of someone who wants to control others by way of speech
and inappropriate behavior so that the victim of bullying becomes a helpless person. This …

Causes and Forms of Cyberbullying among Teenagers in Indonesian Urban Areas: Cases of Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya

EL Amanatin, B Sekarningrum - JISPO Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan …, 2023 -
The development of digitalization has had an impact on the increasing cases of
cyberbullying among Indonesian youth, especially in urban areas such as Jakarta …

Intersection of Family and School Roles in Building Cyberbullying Resilience in Down Syndrome Adolescents through a Multidisciplinary Approach

H Basri, HM Husin, N Nurbayani - 2024 -
This study discusses the role of family and school in shaping resilience to cyberbullying in
adolescents with Down Syndrome. Using a qualitative method based on a multidisciplinary …

Cyberstalking Among Adolescents: Looking at Responses, Privacy Consequences, and Prevention Strategies

N Poernamasari, C Safira… - … and Media Networks, 2024 -
The purpose of the research is to find out the responses of cyberstalking victims in managing
privacy, the impact of cyberstalking, and ways to prevent it. The high level of digital …

[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Fatherless Terhadap Tingkat Cyberbullying Pada Remaja Di SMAN 1 Kutorejo Kabupaten Mojokerto

ECS ATI - 2024 -
BAB II LANDASAN TEORI A. Deskripsi Teori 1. Cyberbullying a. Definisi Cyberbullying
Menurut teori Willard dijelaskan bahwa c Page 1 15 BAB II LANDASAN TEORI A. Deskripsi …