Tropical ecosystems have the highest levels of biodiversity, cycle more water and absorb more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. Consequently, these ecosystems …
Evidence exists that tree mortality is accelerating in some regions of the tropics,, with profound consequences for the future of the tropical carbon sink and the global …
ForestGEO is a network of scientists and long-term forest dynamics plots (FDPs) spanning the Earth's major forest types. ForestGEO's mission is to advance understanding of the …
Tree mortality rates appear to be increasing in moist tropical forests (MTF s) with significant carbon cycle consequences. Here, we review the state of knowledge regarding MTF tree …
Patterns, mechanisms, projections, and consequences of tree mortality and associated broad‐scale forest die‐off due to drought accompanied by warmer temperatures—“hotter …
Numerous current efforts seek to improve the representation of ecosystem ecology and vegetation demographic processes within Earth System Models (ESM s). These …
The Amazon rainforest is threatened by land-use change and increasing drought and fire frequency. Studies suggest an abrupt dieback of large parts of the rainforest after partial …
The frequency of severe droughts is increasing in many regions around the world as a result of climate change 1–3. Droughts alter the structure and function of forests 4, 5. Site-and …
Drought events are increasing globally, and reports of consequent forest mortality are widespread. However, due to a lack of a quantitative global synthesis, it is still not clear …