J Way - Oxford studies in normative ethics, 2017 - books.google.com
It's one thing to do the right thing. It's another to do the right thing in a way that reflects well on you. Moral philosophy's most famous illustration of this point is Kant's shopkeeper, who …
GLOSARIO Hápax legómenon. Del griego hápax,“una vez”, legómenon,“dicho”, es una palabra o una forma (verbal) que se encuentra una sola vez en un escrito o una serie de …
I argue that an adequate theory of rightness should meet (at least) two distinct conditions: a “Consequences Condition” according to which the rightness or wrongness of some, but not …
A Ali - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume 10, 2020 - books.google.com
Not all permissible acts are praiseworthy. Even an uncaring person might step in front of a drunk driver's vehicle to stop them from driving off and endangering the lives of others. But if …
This dissertation offers a theory of praise and blame: praiseworthy acts manifest virtue and blameworthy acts are incompatible with virtue. Despite its simplicity, proposals like mine …