The Covid-19 virus has impacted almost every element of human life. Various official actions, especially those taken by the Indonesian government, have been taken to break the …
Pemahaman terhadap kedudukan dan fungsi Bahasa Indonesia dapat menjadi dasar menumbuhkan jiwa nasionalisme kaum muda dan pelajar. Dalam hal ini bahasa Indonesia …
Kata deiksis berasal dari bahasa Yunani deiktikos yang berarti 'menunjuk'atau 'menunjukkan'atau secara harfiah berarti hal penunjukkan secara lansung. Bentuk linguistik …
Bahasa Indonesia adalah hasil pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bahasa Melayu. Untuk mengetahui perkembangan bahasa Melayu itu diuraikan oleh S. Takdir Alisyahbana bahwa …
This research is motivated by the phenomenon that all parents want their children's education to be good, so they pay attention and optimize for his child's education. The …
Ambon city, which mostly consists of hilly areas, is an area that is very highly susceptible to the occurrence of debris mass movements, both in the form of debris flows and landslides …
The terminal is a center for the entry and exit of vehicles that have a high intensity in attracting movement as the generation and towing of the vehicle interacts to its destination …