Differently from commonly used forest conservation strategies, the absence of disturbance in non-forest-ecosystems can result in loss of biodiversity. Grassy ecosystems characterize …
Commonly used in the literature to refer to the “attractiveness”,“appeal”, or “beauty” of a species, charisma can be defined as a set of characteristics–and the perception thereof–that …
Intensifying global change is propelling many ecosystems toward irreversible transformations. Natural resource managers face the complex task of conserving these …
In addition to being a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, biological invasions also have profound impacts on economies and human wellbeing. However, the …
The introduction of hippos into the wild in Colombia has been marked by their rapid population growth and widespread dispersal on the landscape, high financial costs of …
Ecosystem transformation can be defined as the emergence of a self‐organizing, self‐ sustaining, ecological or social–ecological system that deviates from prior ecosystem …
The keystone roles of mega‐fauna in many terrestrial ecosystems have been lost to defaunation. Large predators and herbivores often play keystone roles in their native …
Feral horses occur on several continents, across a wide range of terrestrial biomes, and have had marked impacts on ecosystems worldwide. Despite their oft-reported negative …
“The cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) has a far wider range: it now occurs in these latitudes on both sides of the Cordillera, across the continent. I saw it in unfrequented spots in Chile …