The question whether there is a natural connection between sound and meaning or if they are related only by convention has been debated since antiquity. In linguistics, it is usually …
IM Alfaki - International journal of English language teaching, 2015 -
The aim of this study is to identify university students' writing problems in English language and to suggest ways of solving those problems. The study was conducted in the Teachers' …
¿ De qué manera las situaciones sociales influyen en el uso del lenguaje y en el discurso? Este libro constituye la primera monografía en presentar una teoría multidisciplinaria del …
What is Linguistics? How do languages work? Why is this important? Answering these questions and more, Linguistics: An Introduction covers all the key topics that you will need …
In 2005, Science magazine designated the problem of accounting for difficulties in L2 (second language) learning as one of the 125 outstanding challenges facing scientific …
Abstract English language enjoys a prominent role in Pakistan as an effective communication medium at local and international circles. It is used as a medium of …
Projects in Linguistics and Language Studies, Third Edition, is your essential guide when embarking on a research project in linguistics or English language. It is clearly divided into …
A LaViers - Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and …, 2024 -
Research at the intersection of robots and dance promises to create vehicles for expression that enable new creative pursuits and allow robots to function better, especially in human …
Do principles of language processing in the brain affect the way grammar evolves over time or is language change just a matter of socio-historical contingency? While the balance of …