Buku berjudul “Sains: Kajian Tumbuhan dan Hewan berbasis Riset dan Al-Qur‟ an” ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan terkait tumbuhan dan hewan, khususnya yang …
Bajakah kalalawit (BK) secara empiris digunakan sebagai obat tradisional untuk meningkatkan daya tahan seksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh …
M Azhari, F Zannah - BIO-INOVED: Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi …, 2022 - repository.umpr.ac.id
Central Kalimantan has abundant biodiversity, one of which is galam which is often found in swampy areas in Central Kalimantan. One example of the use of galam is processing it into …
Introduction: Health practitioners have tried to reduce the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, which increases globally every year, but the result has not been optimal yet. Meanwhile, the …
PKBM is one of the educational facilities, especially non-formal education, to enhance the knowledge and skills of people studying there. This is done to support the improvement of …
Central Kalimantan has very high biodiversity in terms of animal and plant diversity. Carmunting (Melastoma malabatrhicum) is a typical plant in Central Kalimantan. This …
Aim: This study aims to explore the impact of digital transformation on the digital literacy skills of Dayak adolescents in Central Kalimantan, focusing on key aspects such as social …
Kegiatan pembelajaran seyogyanya dapat menjadi wadah atau sarana bagi siswa untuk dapat meng''konstruk''atau membentuk pengetahuan mereka sendiri. Hal tersebut perlu …