Graphic chatting with organizational avatars

K Kim - US Patent App. 11/820,500, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A new class of avatars (" organizational avatars') created in accordance
with the present invention holds a value or a significance independent from their use in a …

Metro for creating and using linear time line and play rectangle

D Jaeger - US Patent 7,299,416, 2007 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data these structures exist as graphic objects and they permit
Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/880,397, users to both navigate and operate (eg …

Graphic chatting with organizational avatars

K Kim - US Patent 6,910,186, 2005 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A neW class of avatars (“organizational avatars”) created in accordance
With the present invention holds a value or a signi? cance independent from their use in a …

Multi-user and multi-device collaboration

E Kikin-Gil, JF Friend, NB Friend, MJ Kotler… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
4,831,552 A 5/1989 Scully et al. 5,495,269 A 2f1996 Elrod et al. 5,675,752 A 10, 1997 Scott
et al. 5,717,869 A 2f1998 Moran et al. 5,821,925 A 10/1998 Carey et al. 5,907.324 A 5, 1999 …

Workspace collaboration via a wall-type computing device

MJ Kotler, JF Friend, NB Friend, E Kikin-Gil… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
Multi-user, multi-computing device collaborative work experience is provided. One or more
computing devices, including wired and wireless personal computers, laptop computers …

Collaborative integrated development environment using presence information

R Hegde, P Dewan, Y Rui - US Patent App. 11/428,080, 2008 - Google Patents
A system and process for providing a network and computer based integrated development
environment is presented that provides collaboration and information sharing for devel …

Graphical user interface for direct control of display of data

MP Etgen, JH Bailey, EF Zegarra, DF Li - US Patent 7,134,093, 2006 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A graphical user interface for direct control of data displayed in a window-
based computing environment. A slider ele ment is displayed which is variable in size …

Feature codes and bonuses in virtual worlds

H Ganz, KJ Borst - US Patent 8,549,416, 2013 - Google Patents

Interactive action figures for gaming systems

MD Borge - US Patent 7,862,428, 2011 - Google Patents
5,255,834 A 10/1993 Bendersky 5,411,259 A 5, 1995 Pearson 5,544,320 A 8, 1996 Konrad
5,606,652 A 2f1997 Silverbrook 5,659,692 A 8/1997 Poggio et al. 5,682.469 A 10, 1997 …

Communication and collaboration system using rich media environments

SJ Wee, HH Baker, NT Bhatti, M Covell… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND A video conferencing system may be used to provide com munication
among conference participants who are distrib uted among multiple meeting sites. Each …