AF Leo - Aristonothos. Rivista di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico, 2022 -
Nel XII libro della Geografia Strabone lamenta la difficoltà nell'indicare correttamente i confini etnici tra Misi e Frigi, evidenziando un problema identitario che alla sua epoca aveva …
Although widely attested in the historical record, the people known in antiquity as the Thracians (who inhabited a region north of Greece called Thrace) remain poorly understood …
Throughout the study of Greek colonization, archaeologists have grappled with the difficult task of interpreting the status of culturally ambiguous sites where material evidence …
Throughout the study of Greek colonization, archaeologists have grappled with the difficult task of interpreting the status of culturally ambiguous sites where material evidence …
The resistance in intellectual milieu of countries with totalitarian regimes had different forms. The “Aesopian language” was another resistance form. In Bulgarian archeologist, professor …
This article interprets the concepts of the origin of the world and of two kinds of darkness– one that is visible due to the presence light, and one that is invisible due to the absence of …
S Yanakieva - Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality -
Thracian linguistics that etymology can be its principal methodology. Indisputably, the strange naïveté of that faith, which has the same roots as the faith in the infallibility of …
This paper investigates the official tourism websites for the Balkan countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia …
AG Poulter - Bringing Down the Iron Curtain: Paradigmatic Change …, 2020 -
Romania was a very different country. Under the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceauşescu, Romania was regarded with much greater respect by the western powers. Though a …