Motion compensation/autofocus in airborne synthetic aperture radar: A review

J Chen, M Xing, H Yu, B Liang, J Peng… - IEEE Geoscience and …, 2021 -
Air-and spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can provide a large number of high-
resolution images for microwave remote sensing applications, such as geoscience and …

Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imaging algorithms: An overview

GC Sun, Y Liu, J Xiang, W Liu, M Xing… - IEEE Geoscience and …, 2021 -
Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has been widely used in the national defense,
geologic mapping, disaster estimation, and other fields. This technique has realized the …

Interferometric processing of Sentinel-1 TOPS data

N Yagüe-Martínez, P Prats-Iraola… - IEEE transactions on …, 2016 -
Sentinel-1 (S-1) has an unparalleled mapping capacity. In interferometric wide swath (IW)
mode, three subswaths imaged in the novel Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans …

Real-time processing of spaceborne SAR data with nonlinear trajectory based on variable PRF

J Chen, J Zhang, Y Jin, H Yu, B Liang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 -
Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) real-time imaging is especially important for
disaster emergencies and real-time monitoring applications with highly desired real-time …

The TerraSAR-X mission and system design

R Werninghaus, S Buckreuss - IEEE Transactions on …, 2009 -
This paper describes the TerraSAR-X mission concept within the context of a public-private
partnership (PPP) agreement between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the …

TOPS interferometry with TerraSAR-X

P Prats-Iraola, R Scheiber, L Marotti… - … on geoscience and …, 2012 -
This paper presents results on SAR interferometry for data acquired in the Terrain
Observation by Progressive Scans (TOPS) imaging mode. The rationale to retrieve accurate …

On the processing of very high resolution spaceborne SAR data

P Prats-Iraola, R Scheiber… - … on Geoscience and …, 2014 -
This paper addresses several important aspects that need to be considered for the
processing of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data with resolutions in the …

[HTML][HTML] 多平台合成孔径雷达成像算法综述

邢孟道, 林浩, 陈溅来, 孙光才, 严棒棒 - 雷达学报, 2019 -
多平台合成孔径雷达(SAR) 是合成孔径雷达极具发展潜力的研究方向之一,
该文集中讨论了多平台SAR 的成像算法, 包括机载SAR, 弹载SAR 和星载SAR 平台 …

Wide-beam SAR autofocus based on blind resampling

J Chen, H Yu - Science China Information Sciences, 2023 - Springer
Long synthetic aperture time and large instantaneous beam can turn airborne synthetic
aperture radar (SAR) autofocus into a wide-beam autofocus problem; ie, the motion error is …

TOPS imaging with TerraSAR-X: Mode design and performance analysis

A Meta, J Mittermayer, P Prats… - … on Geoscience and …, 2009 -
This paper reports about the performed investigations for the implementation of the wide-
swath TOPS (Terrain Observation by Progressive Scan) imaging mode with TerraSAR-X …