The question whether preemptive algorithms are better than nonpreemptive ones for scheduling a set of real-time tasks has been debated for a long time in the research …
Preemptive scheduling often generates a significant runtime overhead that may increase task worst-case execution times up to 40%, with respect to a fully non-preemptive execution …
The feasibility of preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling has been well investigated on uniprocessor and multiprocessor platforms under both Fixed Priority Scheduling (FPS) and …
In this paper a limited pre-emptive global fixed task priority scheduling policy for multiprocessors is presented. This scheduling policy is a generalization of global fully pre …
In real-time systems that employ preemptive scheduling and cache architecture, it is essential to account as precisely as possible for cache-related preemption delays in the …
A number of preemptive real-time scheduling algorithms, such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF), are known to be optimal on uni-processor systems under specified assumptions …
In real-time systems, there are two distinct trends for scheduling task sets on unicore systems: non-preemptive and preemptive scheduling. Non-preemptive scheduling is …
The preemptive scheduling paradigm is known to strictly dominate the non-preemptive scheduling paradigm with respect to feasibility. On the other hand, preemptively scheduling …
Limited-preemption forms of uniprocessor scheduling provide a practical trade-off between flexibility and system overheads in embedded kernels. This paper considers the limited …