In this paper, we provide templates of uncertainty sources expected to appear for three measurement types of prompt fission neutron spectra (PFNS):(1) shape measurements,(2) …
With the recent emergence of fast nuclear reactors, there has been a corresponding increasing interest in U 238-related nuclear data. However, while existing literature data …
The Q= 4.4398 MeV C 12 (n, n'γ) cross section was measured using a white incident neutron source through the detection of γ rays only and n-γ coincidences using a segmented liquid …
This report documents an evaluation of 235U prompt fission neutron spectra (PFNS) that is a release candidate for the upcoming US nuclear data library, ENDF/B-VIII. 1. This evaluation …
Neutron scattering cross sections and angular distributions are leading terms in descriptions of neutron transport through any system. Despite the fundamental importance of nuclear …
The presence of Pu 240 in nuclear fuels for reactors has resulted in high uncertainties in the results of reactor and nuclear transmutation calculations because of deficiencies in Pu 240 …