P Elbaz-Vincent, H Gangl, C Soulé - Advances in Mathematics, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstract For N= 5, 6 and 7, using the classification of perfect quadratic forms, we compute the homology of the Voronoï cell complexes attached to the modular groups SL N (Z) and …
J Campbell - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2019 - ams.org
We produce an $ E_\infty $-ring spectrum $ K (\mathbf {Var} _ {/k}) $ whose components model the Grothendieck ring of varieties (over a field $ k $) $ K_0 (\mathbf {Var} _ {/k}) …
For a finite-dimensional vector space, the common basis complex of is the simplicial complex whose vertices are the proper non-zero subspaces of, and is a simplex if and only if …
For a multiplicative cohomology theory E, complex orientations are in bijective correspondence with multiplicative natural transformations to E from complex bordism …
J Campbell, J Wolfson, I Zakharevich - Advances in Mathematics, 2019 - Elsevier
Let K 0 (V k) be the Grothendieck group of k-varieties. Campbell and Zakharevich have constructed a higher algebraic K-theory spectrum K (V k) such that π 0 K (V k)= K 0 (V k). In …
We prove that the fourth algebraic K-group of the integers is the trivial group, ie, that K 4 (Z)= 0. The argument uses rank-, poset-and component filtrations of the algebraic K-theory …
We interpret different constructions of the algebraic K‐theory of spaces as an instance of derived Koszul (or bar) duality and also as an instance of Morita equivalence. We relate the …
A Putman, A Snowden - Duke Mathematical Journal, 2023 - projecteuclid.org
The Steinberg representation is irreducible Page 1 THE STEINBERG REPRESENTATION IS IRREDUCIBLE ANDREW PUTMAN and ANDREW SNOWDEN Abstract We prove that the …
Given a special Γ-category 𝒞 satisfying some mild hypotheses, we construct a sequence of spectra interpolating between the spectrum associated to 𝒞 and the Eilenberg-Mac Lane …