Review of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for polynomial phase signals

I Djurović, M Simeunović - Digital Signal Processing, 2018 - Elsevier
Several papers have been published recently on the quasi-maximum likelihood (QML)
approach for the polynomial phase signals (PPS) parameter estimation. The QML is …

Adaptive ship-radiated noise recognition with learnable fine-grained wavelet transform

Y Xie, J Ren, J Xu - Ocean Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Analyzing the ocean acoustic environment is a tricky task. Background noise and variable
channel transmission environment make it complicated to implement accurate ship-radiated …

Underwater-art: Expanding information perspectives with text templates for underwater acoustic target recognition

Y Xie, J Ren, J Xu - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2022 -
Underwater acoustic target recognition is an intractable task due to the complex acoustic
source characteristics and sound propagation patterns. Limited by insufficient data and …

Underwater acoustic target recognition based on smoothness-inducing regularization and spectrogram-based data augmentation

J Xu, Y Xie, W Wang - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Underwater acoustic target recognition is a challenging task owing to the intricate
underwater environments and limited data availability. Insufficient data can hinder the ability …

An Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition Method Based on Iterative Short-Time Fourier Transform

B Lin, L Gao, P Zhu, Y Zhang, Y Huang - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024 -
In the multifaceted marine environment, numerous factors affect the noise radiated by ships,
thereby weakening the traditional spectral characteristics and diminishing the spectrum's …

Time frequency analysis of underwater ambient noise in tropical littoral waters

RK Shastri, YV Joshi, A Das - 2013 OCEANS-San Diego, 2013 -
This paper investigates better time frequency representations of littoral water ambient noise
recorded at 30 meter of depth in Indian tropical water. Linear time frequency representations …

Représentation et reconnaissance des signaux acoustiques sous-marins

S Ouelha - 2014 -
Cette thèse a pour but de définir et concevoir de nouvelles techniques de représentation
des signauxacoustiques sous-marins. Notre objectif est d'interpréter, reconnaître et identifier …

[PDF][PDF] Lead Acid Battery Analysis using S-Transform

MS Basir, AR Abdullah, NA Selamat… - … Journal on Advanced …, 2017 -
This paper proposes a new signal processing technique using time-frequency distribution
(TFD), namely S-transform (ST) for battery parameters estimation. Compared to other TFDs …