The application of the Immersed Boundary (IB) method to simulate incompressible, turbulent flows around complex configurations is illustrated; the IB is based on the use of non-body …
Usually, a body conforming grid is being used for computing the flow around an arbitrary body. This approach requires coordinate transformations and/or complex grid generation …
From the Navier-Stokes/Brinkman model, a penalization method has been derived by several authors to compute incompressible Navier-Stokes equations around obstacles. In …
A micro-continuum approach is proposed to simulate the dissolution of solid minerals at the pore scale under single-phase flow conditions. The approach employs a Darcy–Brinkman …
A multiphase Darcy-Brinkman approach is proposed to simulate two-phase flow in hybrid systems containing both solid-free regions and porous matrices. This micro-continuum …
The enormous growth in computational capabilities of recent years has made Navier–Stokes- based simulation of flow and transport in natural porous media possible. Because of the …
Fluid–mineral and fluid–rock interfaces are key parameters controlling the reactivity and fate of fluids in reservoir rocks and aquifers. The interface dynamics through space and time …
The scope of this work is to present and discuss the results obtained from simulating three- dimensional plunging breaking waves by solving the Navier-Stokes equations, in air and …
A micro-continuum approach is proposed to simulate the dissolution of solid minerals at the pore scale in the presence of multiple fluid phases. The approach employs an extended …