Syntax and consistent equation semantics of hybrid Chi

DA van Beek, KL Man, MA Reniers, JE Rooda… - The Journal of Logic and …, 2006 - Elsevier
The hybrid χ (Chi) formalism integrates concepts from dynamics and control theory with
concepts from computer science, in particular from process algebra and hybrid automata. It …

[PDF][PDF] Formal specification and analysis of hybrid systems

KL Man, RRH Schiffelers - 2006 -
This thesis is a result of four years of intensive cooperation between the Systems
Engineering Group of the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Formal Methods …

Learning deterministic one-clock timed automata via mutation testing

X Tang, W Shen, M Zhang, J An, B Zhan… - … Symposium on Automated …, 2022 - Springer
In active learning, an equivalence oracle is supposed to answer whether a hypothesis
model is equivalent to the system under learning. Its implementation in real applications is …

Analyzing a χ model of a turntable system using Spin, CADP and Uppaal

E Bortnik, N Trčka, AJ Wijs, B Luttik… - The Journal of Logic and …, 2005 - Elsevier
Nowadays, due to increasing system complexity and growing competition and costs,
industry makes high demands on powerful techniques used to design and analyze …

A model-based integration and testing method to reduce system development effort

N Braspenning, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak… - Electronic notes in …, 2006 - Elsevier
New methods and techniques are needed to reduce the very costly integration and test effort
(in terms of lead time, costs, resources) in the development of high-tech multi-disciplinary …

Transforming process algebra models into uml state machines: Bridging a semantic gap?

MF Van Amstel, MGJ van den Brand, Z Protić… - Theory and Practice of …, 2008 - Springer
There exist many formalisms for modeling the behavior of (software) systems. These
formalisms serve different purposes. Process algebras are used for algebraic and axiomatic …

[PDF][PDF] What to do next?: Analysing and optimising system behaviour in time

AJ Wijs - 2007 -
THIS THESIS DEALS WITH THE incorporation of timing aspects in (mostly) explicit state
model checking. Therefore, time as a concept appears everywhere in the thesis, whether as …

Achieving discrete relative timing with untimed process algebra

A Wijs - 12th IEEE International Conference on Engineering …, 2007 -
For many systems, timing aspects are essential. Therefore, when modelling these systems,
time should somehow be represented. In the past, many timed process algebras have been …

Model-based system analysis using Chi and Uppaal: An industrial case study

NCWM Braspenning, EM Bortnik… - Computers in …, 2008 - Elsevier
New methods and techniques are needed to reduce the integration and test effort (lead time,
costs, resources) in the development of high-tech multi-disciplinary systems. To facilitate this …

[图书][B] Tangram: Model-based integration and testing of complex high-tech systems

J Tretmans - 2007 -
Tangram Page 1 Tangram Citation for published version (APA): Tretmans, J. (Ed.) (2007).
Tangram: model-based integration and testing of complex high-tech systems. Technische …