The 'omnivorous badger dilemma': towards an integration of nutrition with the dietary niche in wild mammals

A Balestrieri, L Remonti, N Saino… - Mammal …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Laboratory studies have demonstrated that, given plenty of food, many animals can achieve
a species‐specific macronutrient intake target by selecting nutritionally balanced foods or …

Neanderthal scraping and manual handling of raptors wing bones: Evidence from Fumane Cave. Experimental activities and comparison

M Romandini, I Fiore, M Gala, M Cestari, G Guida… - Quaternary …, 2016 - Elsevier
Given the still scanty amount of data ascribable to the interaction between raptors and
hominins, this contribution aims to fuel the debate on the complexity of Neanderthal …

Animal exploitation strategies during the Uluzzian at Grotta di Fumane (Verona, Italy)

A Tagliacozzo, M Romandini, I Fiore, M Gala… - … and modern human …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract At Grotta di Fumane, signatures such as butchering traces, burned bones,
fragmentation and scanty carnivore traces prove that the faunal remains from the Uluzzian …

Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers evidence a different pattern of hybridization in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) populations from NW Italy

A Negri, I Pellegrino, N Mucci, E Randi… - European journal of …, 2013 - Springer
Genetic introgression with exotic genomes represents a major conservation concern for the
red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa, Phasianidae). In particular, massive releases of chukar …

[图书][B] Piano di gestione della riserva naturale statale e sito natura 2000" Bosco della Fontana"

A Campanaro, S Hardersen, F Mason - 2007 -
Il Bosco della Fontana, uno dei pochi relitti dell'enorme foresta di latifoglie meso-igrofile che
copriva con ampia continuità la pianura padano-veneta fino a circa 2000 anni orsono, risulta …

[PDF][PDF] Habitat usage of woodpeckers and nuthatch

S Hardersen, S Cerretti, F Hardersen… - … a Boscodella Fontana …, 2004 -
In 2004 the territories of woodpeckers as well as of the nuthatch (Sitta europaea) were
mapped at “Bosco della Fontana”. Additionally, characteristics of trees with nest holes of the …

Habitat selection by breeding rock ptarmigan Lagopus muta helvetica males in the western Italian Alps

L Nelli, A Meriggi, A Franzoi - Wildlife biology, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Knowledge of resource selection patterns can provide important information for species
conservation. During spring 2010 and 2011, we investigated habitat selection by territorial …

[PDF][PDF] An updated estimate of the wintering population of Sanderling Calidris alba (JF Gmelin, 1788) in Sicily for the years 2015-2022

P Galasso, S Surdo… - BIODIVERSITY …, 2024 -
ABSTRACT The Sanderling Calidris alba (JF Gmelin, 1788) overwinters along the sandy
coasts of Italy with an average of about 546 individuals for the years 2006-2010, showing a …

[PDF][PDF] Biometric characterization of the Red-legged Partridges Alectoris rufa of northwestern Italy.

F Silvano, PG Meneguz, P Tizzani, I Pellegrino, A Negri… - Avocetta, 2021 -
The biometrics of the Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa has been relatively well studied in
the western part of its distribution range (Iberian Peninsula and France), especially due to …

[HTML][HTML] Herpetological higher taxa nomina. 6. Gymnophiona Rafinesque, 1814

A Dubois, T Frétey - Bionomina, 2021 -
A taxon, traditionally referred to the rank order, encompassing all recent taxa of caecilians
and their close fossil relatives, is highly supported as holophyletic in all recent cladistic …